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Looking for FAFSA Help?

1. Start with your high school to see if it offers
   FAFSA assistance. 

2. Is your high school connected to an Ohio
    college access organization such as
    College Now, I Know I Can, or the
    Muskingum County Community Foundation?

3. Contact the financial aid office of the
    college or university you want to attend.  

4. Contact your FAFSA 25 regional coordinator
    (see attached map)

5. Get free face-to-face FAFSA completion support
    during the Your FAFSA, Your Future, Game On!!!
    campaign (January 20-31, 2025).

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Understanding FAFSA

what is FAFSA?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the application for federal financial aid for college and post-secondary training. It also may help you qualify for financial aid from the state of Ohio and at the institution of your choice.  The form is free, but it could save you thousands of dollars.

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Understanding FAFSA

how can it help?

The federal government provides the best financial aid available. By filling out the FAFSA, you will find out what you qualify for. You may qualify for grants, which you don't need to repay. If you qualify for loans, federal loans have lower interest rates and you don't start repaying till you graduate. The FAFSA is also the key to unlocking state financial aid.

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What is FAFSA?
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don't leave your
money on the table.



some people do not apply for fafsa because they believe that it is only for students who are looking to go to college, or who have been accepted already. fortunately, that is not true. fafsa is for 


Can I apply for FAFSA if I am going to school for a trade?


Every year there are many Ohio students who complete the FAFSA  and get funding for career training. 

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Should I complete the FAFSA if I haven't been accepted to college yet?


Don't wait to complete the FAFSA. It can help you decide which college makes the most sense for you, based on the resources available.

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Should I apply even if I already have a plan to pay for school?


By completing the FAFSA you may have access to grants, which don't need to be repaid, or to some of the best loan options out there. 

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Common Misconceptions
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Make the process easier


- Your Social Security     


- Your parent's Social

  Security number

- Your driver's license

  number if you have one

- Your Alien Registration

  number if you are not a

  U.S. citizen

-  Yours and your     
   contributing parent/   
   spouse/guardian FSA ID


- Federal tax information

  or tax returns

- Records of your untaxed 


- Information on cash and

  savings FSA 10 if eligible

  to have one

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Concerned you can't locate everything you need? Talk to your counselor or reach out to help in your area or click the 'Get Help' button below.


child's future.



parents, teachers, counselors, and guardians,          could play a huge role in ensuring that a student gets their post-secondary education paid for. it is not as difficult as you think.


Calculating Your Financial Need

Cost of Attendance (COA)
-  Student Aid Index (SAI)

= Financial Need

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FAFSA Information

how much will i get?

The FAFSA allows students to qualify for federal Pell grants, state grants, and most scholarships. Federal Pell grants do not have to be repaid; for 2025-26, a student who qualifies can receive up to $7,395 for the academic year.

So, you’ve filed your FAFSA® form, and you’ve checked your Student Aid Report to be sure all your information is correct, and now you’re wondering how that data is used to come up with the list of financial aid for which you’re eligible.

Your eligibility depends on your Student Aid Index, your year in school, your enrollment status, and the cost of attendance at the school you will be attending. The financial aid office at your college or career school will determine how much financial aid you are eligible to receive.

  • The financial aid staff starts by deciding upon your cost of attendance (COA) at that school.

  • They then consider your Student Aid Index (SAI).

  • They subtract your SAI from your COA to determine the amount of your financial need and therefore how much need-based aid you can get.

  • To determine how much non-need-based aid you can get, the school takes your cost of attendance and subtracts any financial aid you’ve already been awarded.

  • Non-need-based aid is often based on academic achievements.

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Download the FAFSA promotional toolkit, including social media graphics, printable posters, and more.

don't miss out

FAFSA is for you. Whether you are a parent or a student, FAFSA could help you 
along on your journey by helping some or all of the financial burden that comes
with post-secondary education. Still not sure if FAFSA is for you? Call the number
below for a 1-on-1 call with an expert.

Call 800-433-4243
or chat with Aidan, the FSA Virtual Student Assistant

Federal Student Aid Information Center



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Tuesday/Wednesday: 8am-8pm (ET)

Thursday/Friday: 8am-6pm (ET)

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